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Our range of products are manufactured with two techniques:

Dry Cast Products

The "Dry Cast" method is a two part process, a face material to give you the similar finish to natural stone. Mechanically compacted to the rear of this is the backing mix to give the units strength in the terms of handling ability

Dry cast units are immediately demolded after casting and are hand finished to a very high standard.

Wet Cast

Wet Cast as the name suggests produces structural products like heads and sills but is also used for San Francisco precast slabs, beams and other similar products, that are for high exposure or structural situations where greater loads are required on the finished unit. The Wet Cast also has the added advantage of specialist finishes with the use of special sand aggregates.

Introduction to Cast Stone (wet cast and dry cast) Products

Cast Stone is known by a variety of other names including art stone, reconstructed stone, reconstituted stone, artificial stone and manufactured stone. This defines cast stone as any material manufactured with aggregate and cementicious binder and intended to resemble in appearance, and be used in a similar way to, natural stone. San Francisco Cast stone is either homogenous through out or consists of a facing material and backing concrete.

The method of production is split into two categories.

  • Semidry mixes
  • Precast concrete or sometimes referred to as 'wet' cast.

Choice of manufacturing method

The majority of San Francisco cast stone manufactures use the semi-dry method of san francisco precast production. And is the more commonly widely used method of manufacture. Early consultation with us is advisable to ascertain the correct method of production for your project.

Sizes: Components produced using napa Valley precast the semidry method are limited in size with face dimensions of Ashlar units normally no greater than 1200x600mm. This is mainly because of the fact a semi dry mix is used, which require rapid and rigorous compaction with hand held pneumatic tampers. The semidry method of production is best suited to traditionally sized ashlars quoins, sills, copings, door and window surrounds, etc.

Structural requirements: Components requiring reinforcement which is more complex than a few straight bars or a layer of fabric reinforcement, must be produced using the wet cast method of production. This is because it is difficult to achieve thorough compaction of semidry mixes around congested reinforcement.

Appearance: Napa Valley Cast stone can replicate a variety of cast stoneThe semidry method of production is used to simulate limestones and sandstones. Where a component has a particularly intricate pattern or profile including slender projections, precast concrete may have to be used in preference to the 'semidry' method. Good color matching between components can be achieved by both methods, although fineline precast textural differences become apparent at close range.

Economics: Rapid production rates with frequent reuse of molds are possible with cast stone produced using semidry mixes. Where as with the Wet Cast process a higher number of San Francisco concrete molds is required to achieve the same casting program, but careful thought a planning stages of the contract can minimize the number of concrete molds. In Fact an additional 2-3 weeks extra lead-time for standard or semi standard products can sometimes be all that is needed to achieve the same casting program.

Comparison between the semidry and wet methods

The production of cast stone using semidry mixes differs from that of wet method in several ways.


Semi Dry ~ De-molding takes place immediately after compaction. This allows a rapid casting cycle with e.g. up to 80 or more basic components (sills, copings, etc.) a day from a single mold.

Wet Cast ~ Where as to manufacture the equivalent in wet cast it would not only take longer but you would require 1 mold per cast per day i.e. to produce 80 units a day you would need 80 molds.

Semi Dry ~Compaction is carried out by pneumatic tampers rather than by vibration.

Wet Cast ~ Compaction is carried out by vibration.


Semi Dry ~ *Separate facing and backing mixes are often used for components like ashlars, sills, heads and jambs, where the backing mix is concealed from view. Separate facing and backing mixes are used primarily to economize on the facing mix. This requires a separate facing mix to be not less than 20 mm thick at any point, with semidry cement sand facing mixes and concrete backing mixes each mix is placed and compacted in immediate succession to ensure that they are effectively monolithic.

Wet Cast ~ Wet Cast units are manufactured from a through colored homogenous mix.

Semi Dry ~ Water repellent admixtures are invariably used in facing mixes to reduce permeability. Giving a water absorption of Grade B. All constituents are accurately weigh batched with the moisture content monitored regularly. Mix batches are necessarily small to prevent any premature drying of the mix. Thorough mixing and compaction are critical to ensure that the cast stone achieves the required density (typically between 1850-2100kg/m2), compressive strength and permeability.

Wet Cast ~ superplasticisers and accelerators are used to ensure good flow of the mix during vibration and compaction to achieve a smooth, compact and blow hole free finish (where ever possible finish smooth after dressing) also to give good early strength. Typical cube tests at 7-10 Days are that of the equivalent of that of a semi dry unit at 28 Days

Products are split into three categories.

Standard - Cast stone items that are manufactured in accordance with our Technical specification sheets. These items could be stock items or units, which are ready to cast at the first available production slot, with no molds to produce. Products like standard head, sills or pier caps and copings. The cost of establishing the molds is not same, thus for small production runs costs can be kept to the minimum. Also not forgetting lead times can be much shorter by not having to detail, obtain approval and then construct molds.

Semi Standard - Cast stone items are similar to details within our Technical specification sheets. But say vary in length or require slight mold adaptation or modification.

Purpose Made - Cast Stone items which are manufactured in accordance with the contract documents. These units are made from new purpose made concrete molds. These would probably be specialized units, which are not contained in our brochure. We have our own in house design department, who will assist you in the process of your design advising you in Careful thought must be given in the planning process for purpose made products. Please consider the following.

  • Design and detailing of in house production drawings- Some times it is of necessity to produce working drawings of Architects details to enable production of molds.

    This process can some times take any thing from 2-10 days, dependant on how long it takes to get details approved.


  • Approval of production drawings.


  • Production of Patterns- Sometimes it is necessary to produce units from urethane or silicone rubber molds.


  • This may involve the pattern being produced and before molds are manufactured, approval of the pattern may be necessary from the Architect or Client.


  • Approval of production patterns


  • Manufacture of concrete molds


  • Production of Units


  • Curing of units


  • Packaging and Transportation to Site


Remember adequate time must be allowed for production of concrete molds.

Colors and Finishes

Natural stone colors are achieved either by reliance on the color Colors  of crushed rock and sands and aggregates or by the addition of pigments. White cement gray cement and a combination are often used. The use of pigments can give the cast stone greater scope in the selection of suitably graded aggregates, which permit good compaction and achieve a strong, dense mix. Iron oxides based pigments are normally used in small quantities (e.g. 0.2%-1% yellow iron oxide by weight of cement for yellow sandstone's and up to 5% red iron oxide for red sandstone). High proportions of pigment powder (above say 6 - 8% by weight of cement) are used fineline precast sometimes to achieve unusual colors like blues and browns but generally these should be avoided.

A variety of traditional ashlar finishes can be replicated with cast stone, including plain, boasted, tooled, rockfaced, vermiculated. The other ashlar finishes are normally produced from latex:sand or concrete mold liners.

  • Semi Dry ~ Plain finishes normally produced using sealed plywood mold liners or, where the shape, detail or longevity for mold dictates, fiberglass is used.
  • Wet Cast ~ unlike the semidry method, the wet cast mix produces a smooth cement surface which has to be removed after demolding to reveal the color and texture of the fines layer. The cement surface is removed by either acid etching or retarding the surface within the mold prior to curing and washing off after demolding to achieve a smaller large expose of aggregate.

Here is where specialist aggregates can be used to achieve some wonderful and varied finishes and colors.

Structural Use

Dependant on the situation all cast stone both Wet and Dry Cast can be used. But there are limitations in the Dry Cast process as opposed to Wet Cast: -

  • Semi Dry ~ Components requiring reinforcement which is more complex than a few straight bars or a layer of fabric reinforcement are not possible. This is because it is difficult to achieve thorough compaction of semidry mixes using a pneumatic tamper in and around the congested reinforcement. Therefore Wet Cast is the option.
  • Wet Cast ~ unlike the semidry method, the Wet Cast mix is poured into the mold as thick liquid mix and compaction is achieved by vibration. So even the more complex arrangement of bars can be compacted sufficiently. The added advantage being the need to put any secondary support like pressed or fabricated steel lintel saving costs. Also we can manufacture structural beams for larger vehicle entranceways for example.


Cast Stone

Cast stone by  installed in California city's such as Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Ventura or Santa Barbara has to be mechanically fastened to the wood frame of a building usually with stainless steel or galvanized attachments, this because of earthquake codes.  There are many historical buildings in California with cast stone as part of their facade.  Cast stone in Los Angeles, Beverly hills, Bel Air, Ventura and Santa Barbara was at it's most popular in the 1900's.  In Santa Barbara, cast stone was used extensively in the downtown district and also in a primitive form at the Santa Barbara mission in the form of adobe, a mixture of mud and straw or horsehair mixed with water and hand shaped into molds.  Cast stone in the City of Ventura was used mainly on churches in the downtown area.  Cast stone in Los Angeles was used in many important buildings including the famous Los Angeles City hall.  In Santa Barbara cast stone and Santa Barbara stone were used in conjunction in many historical buildings.  Precast Innovations Santa Barbara stone also called Santa Barbara sandstone, is found mainly in Santa Barbara county, is removed from the ground in loose form, the Santa Barbara stone is then cut and shaped by a stonemason into useable blocks.  Cast stone in Beverly Hills was used in the Beverly Hills City hall and is now used on many residential buildings.  We also install our new line of Cantera stone columns, easy homeowner installation CDI or "Can Do It"  precast columns and we do our own concrete design ,  CDI is short for "Can Do It" columns, Sierra stone cast stone columns and balustrade, California precast products, CDI "Can Do It" precast, precast  moldings and stairs. We also supply and  install CDI "Can Do It" precast  concrete window and door trim, Sierra stone products, using our own concrete design, full weight precast and granite or limestone products,  California precast columns, precast or limestone moldings and  fireplace mantles. We manufacture our own precast innovations concrete molds. We have many limestone and sandstone designs installed in the Los Angeles area.

Precast concrete
Precast concrete is usually used in lower end track homes where budget is a concern, cast stone is usually used in higher end homes where budget is not a major concern. The difference between cast stone and precast concrete is easily seen, and even the novice can appreciate the high quality limestone like finish on a cast stone product. Fireplace mantels or as some call them fireplace mantles look beautiful when constructed from cast stone. Cast stone fireplace mantels are used in any situation.  The fireplace mantels are both strong and fireproof. Fireplace mantels are a thing of beauty when made from cast stone or precast concrete. Fireplace mantels are also made from wood. Fireplace mantels or fireplace chimneys are the main feature in any room and a fireplace mantel made from precast innovations cast stone or precast concrete is a sight to behold.
Cast stone by installed in California city's such as Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Ventura or Santa Barbara has to be mechanically fastened to the wood frame of a building usually with stainless steel or galvanized attachments, this because of earthquake codes.  There are many historical buildings in California with cast stone as part of their facade.  Cast stone in Los Angeles, Beverly hills, Bel Air, Ventura and Santa Barbara was at it's most popular in the 1900's.  In Santa Barbara, cast stone was used extensively in the downtown district and also in a primitive form at the Santa Barbara mission in the form of adobe, a mixture of mud and straw or horsehair mixed with water and hand shaped into molds.  Cast stone in the City of Ventura was used mainly on churches in the downtown area.  Cast stone in Los Angeles was used in many important buildings including the famous Los Angeles City hall.  In Santa Barbara cast stone and Santa Barbara stone were used in conjunction in many historical buildings.  Santa Barbara stone also called Santa Barbara sandstone,A&M Victorian Designs is found mainly in Santa Barbara county, is removed from the ground in loose form, the Santa Barbara stone is then cut and shaped by a stonemason into useable blocks.  Commercial cast stone in Haddonstone, California precast, Adriatic precast, APS precast,napa stone, Studio Cast,CDI,ventura cast stone, ventura precast,ventura columns, A&M Victorian Designs ventura stone Beverly Hills was used in the Beverly Hills City hall A&M Victorian Designs and is now used on many residential buildings.  We also supply and install granite and
We also install the products exclusively manufactured by other company's including, Sierra concrete design, Sierra stone and Dura art stone, Stone legends, Moonlight molds, Fineline precast, Studio cast design,  Architectural products, Haddonstone, California precast, Adriatic precast, APS precast, napa stone, Studio Cast precast,

 These products include: cast stone columns, limestone, precast concrete, precast, cast, stone, limestone, sandstone, Beverly Hills,Beverly,Hills,Beverly Hills precast,Beverly Hills cast stone, los angeles, ventura, santa barbara, los angeles precast, los angeles columns,cast stone,precast concrete,concrete sandstone designs columns,los angeles precast,los angeles columns,santa barbara precast,santa barbara cast stone, santa barbara columns,santa barbara stone,los angeles cast stone,santa barbara columns,ventura cast stone,ventura precast,ventura columns, ventura concrete columns, los angeles cast stone, Cantera stone columns, santa barbara precast, santa barbara cast stone, santa barbara stone, santa barbara columns,Studio cast design,A&M Victorian Designs Architectural products, Haddonstone, California precast, Adriatic precast, APS precast,napa stone, Studio Cast,CDI,ventura cast stone, ventura precast,ventura columns, A&M Victorian Designs ventura stone. These products include A&M Victorian Designs : cast stone, limestone, precast concrete, Los Angeles concrete columns, precast, cast, stone, limestone, sandstone, los angeles, ventura, santa barbara, los angeles precast, los angeles columns,los angeles commercial precast columns los angeles cast stone, santa barbara precast, santa barbara cast stone, santa barbara stone, santa barbara columns, ventura cast stone, CDI ventura precast, ventura columns, ventura stone, concrete molds, Malibu precast, Malibu stone, Malibu columns. We have many limestone and sandstone designs installed in the Los Angeles area.

We have installed products made by Sierra concrete design, Sierra stone and Dura art stone, Stone legends, Cantera stone columns, precast concrete,concrete columns,los angeles precast. Moonlight molds, Fineline precast, Studio cast design,A&M Victorian Designs Architectural products, Haddonstone, California precast, Adriatic precast, APS precast, napa stone, Studio Cast, CDI, precast,


Our Cast stone and  precast concrete columns and precast innovations products are molded, hand cast onsite.
Many of our projects are in Santa Barbara including Santa Barbara sandstone look-alike columns,Haddonstone,California precast,Adriatic precast,APS precast,napa stone, Studio Cast,CDI,ventura cast stone Palm Springs columns, Beverly Hills precast columns, Malibu columns and Orange County, California columns.
Cast stone and precast concrete installation projects are also regularly undertaken in Palm Springs, Orange County, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica including precast concrete columns,  in Malibu, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. 
Each precast innovations piece is carefully hand laid into special reinforced molds and hand finished after mold removal
Many of our recent projects are cast stone in Ventura County and precast columns in the City of Santa Monica, and precast columns in Beverly Hills California.
Our products consist of concrete Santa Barbara columns, architectural precast Santa Barbara and Santa Barbara stone balusters, sandstone designs and our own concrete design window/door trim, Los Angeles, California simulated stone columns, concrete balustrade, our own concrete design precast balusters. Also cast stone window & door trim, our own sandstone design and concrete pool coping, precast wall caps or Haddonstone,California precast,Adriatic precast,APS precast,napa stone, Studio Cast,CDI,ventura cast stone concrete wall caps in the Malibu area.
We have many precast columns and sandstone designs of many kinds installed in the Los Angeles area, including precast in Malibu, Beverly Hills precast columns and  Los Angeles precast columns.
We use a fineline with precast when making Santa Barbara precast and Santa Barbara sandstone columns including Beverly Hills precast.

We have many colors and textures to choose from in our cast stone and precast concrete product line.