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This 3 hour advanced cast stone seminar is recommended for the concrete professional looking to expand his/her portfolio of skills and experience to confidently a high-end cast stone manufacturing company and start a business of their own without expensive tens of thousands of dollar machines. Participants should know the fundamentals of making concrete or mixing cement. Be forwarned, the admixtures and other products we show and use in our online seminars may not be available with the same product name in countries outside of the United States. You can either choose to just learn the 9 seperate GFRC/precast video lessons or buy the extra Dry Cast/cast stone seminar also.

(GFRC) Precast Seminar  $2,205.00  was $4,000.00

Best Seller-Go to purchase page

GFRC precast seminar, from mold making, to mixing the raw materials, then hand laying or spray coating the material into molds. Formally a 4 day plant seminar at one of the best Cast Stone manufacturing plant in California, costing $1,000.00 a day which we had to cancel with the advent of covid. After many requests to restart the seminar, I have decided to restart it online, condensing a 4 day plant seminar into a 3 hour online video seminar divided into 9 separate GFRC video lessons, followed by 2 Months of free post workshop e-mail support and advice on what you have learned.

(Dry-Cast) Cast Stone Seminar  $400.00 was 1,000.00

Needs The (GFRC) Seminar First-Go to purchase page

Dry-Cast training with information about which tools are needed, the correct cement mixer needed and which admixtures to use to make a strong 7,000 psi product.

Formally a 1 day plant seminar at one of the best Cast Stone manufacturing plant in California, costing $1,000.00 a day which we had to cancel with the advent of covid. After many requests to restart the seminar, I have decided to restart it online, condensing a 1 day plant seminar into a 20 minute online video seminar with 1 video lesson followed by 2 Months of free post workshop e-mail support and advice on what you have learned.